Specializing in California native and edible landscapes
About the Company and Offerings
BeeLand Farms specializes in the design and maintenance of California native and edible plant landscapes. BeeLand Farms also provides hands-on coaching to gardeners interested in growing California native and edible plants. A primary goal is to create environments where native bees and honeybees can thrive in abundance in the urban landscape. California has hundreds of native bee species that could find food and shelter in your garden if you grow the right plants. These bee-loving plants also look and smell incredibly magnificent in a residential landscape and can be food sources for birds and humans!
BeeLand Farms primarily serves clients in Alameda County and Contra Costa County, California.
Pollinator Pathway Project on Boynton Avenue, Berkeley, CA
Design completed in July 2020
The project is a Coast Live Oak woodland-inspired design along a historic public pathway in Berkeley, CA.
I started BeeLand Farms to help restore and preserve California’s wildlands by connecting people to California native plants through residential gardens. Also, I want to help people in my community grow their own sustainable, organic, and nutritious food at home. I hope to demonstrate that integrating California native and edible plants intensifies the habitat value, productivity, health, and other environmental benefits of residential landscapes.