Pollinator Pathway Project
Boynton Pollinator Project
Boynton Avenue, Berkeley, CA
Brenda Wallace, a gardener and Berkeley resident, was inspired by the 2020 Bringing Back the Natives Virtual Spring Tour (www.bringingbackthenatives.net), especially information presented by Doug Tallamy, author of Nature’s Best Hope, A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard. Brenda hired BeeLand Farms to design a California native pollinator habitat for a portion of a public median that bisects a historic pathway on Boynton Avenue, which she had adopted as a volunteer area. She desired a garden space that could be appreciated by the community, with many layers and textures, ongoing seasonal blooms and a design that incorporates what Doug Tallamy calls “keystone” plants. Keystone plants are host plants for butterflies, moths and caterpillars that supply essential food for baby birds. BeeLand Farms also incorporated plants that attract native bees, our favorite pollinator.
Inspired by existing Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) planted along the median and a little seedling growing in the project area, BeeLand Farms created an oak woodland-inspired design plan. The design mimics native plants you would see blooming on hillsides in our local natural open spaces. We hope the project will educate the community about our beautiful and important natural resources and inspire neighbors to get involved to expand the median project, or green other public spaces with native plants for pollinators.
BeeLand Farms designed this project in the summer of 2020 and did the planting design layout in the fall of 2020.
“It’s spectacular! The variety of textures, shapes, sizes interestingly weave together. The colors are so calming and pretty with little pops of yellow with the poppies and the mule ears. Wow. I can’t wait to start planting! It will be a joy to watch the area grow and evolve and do its performance art. Thank you for your very thoughtful vision.”
— Brenda Wallace Berkeley, CA
Shown below are photos of some of the pollinator-attracting plants featured in this design.