Native succulents
‘Red Velvet’ Yarrow is a garden favorite and it does attract Monarchs and other beneficial insects, unlike some cultivars
Monkeyflower and California Fuchsia
Poppies and more poppies!
Spring color with native Alliums
Giant Trillium and California Fescue create a tranquil woodland setting
Monarch caterpillar visiting a Manzanita
Poppy explosion
Salvia spathacea, Hummingbird sage
Poppies and Foothill Penstemon
Hummingbird Sage and Golden Currant
Sidalcea malviflora native to Brooks Island
Cheerful mix of perennials and annuals
A classic native color combination
Trillium and Mimulus
Lewisia cotyledon are great to grow in pots
Mimulus ‘Jelly Bean Dark Pink’
Southern Highbush Blueberry
California fuchsia and Coffeeberry
Open-pollinated tomato perfect for the Fog Belt
CA natives in bloom
Buckwheats and Manzanita
Native cheerleaders
Bountiful summer harvest enhanced by planting pollinator-attracting natives nearby
Native hybrid 'Roger's Red' grape is super vigorous and needs lots of room to roam
Pears before thinning the cluster to only two
Globe Mallow, California Fuchsia and friends
Delphinium with Monkeyflower and Phacelia
Colorful garden path
Hutton's Vireo visiting birdbath next to Foothill Penstemon
Lupines, poppies and penstemons, oh my!
California Buttercups are so very cheerful
Tranquil spring garden
Pink Lady Apple tree and Hummingbird Sage
Pear graft and Seaside daisy
Davis Showy milkweed and kale
Long-lived hybrid Mimulus
Erigeron and Mint
Davis Showy milkweed
Monarch butterfly on Davis Showy milkweed
Lovely annual Madia elegans has edible seeds
Kale yeah!
Fava beans make a good cover crop
Lightly fragrant blooms of Philadelphus lewisii
Brook’s Island Checkerbloom
Buckwheat explosion with two different species
Foothill Penstemon
Native grasses mixed with Yarrow and Monkeyflower provide color and textural contrast
One of the many forms of our native Clarkia
Native cottage garden
Mixing annuals with perennials in a winning color combination
Subdued purple hues of Triteleia
Lupines always make me smile
Catalina Perfume (Evergreen Current) is a great small shrub for a shady spot
On the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour
Orb spiders are certainly welcome
Monarch caterpillar on Asclepias fascicularis
Fuyu Persimmon tree
Young fruit trees and wildflowers
Roses and blueberries
Fairy Fan Clarkia and Coyote mint
Penstemon palmeri
Delphinium californicum
Pacific Coast Iris hybrid ‘New Yellow’
Showy milkweed and Wild Blue Yonder Rose
Asparagus, a fabulous perennial vegetable
Pacific Coast Iris hybrid
3-Year old native garden
Hummingbird sage and Lemon Verbena